Searching for Thesis

Question Is how the way people treat one another a main cause for mental illness? Answers Yes, because people treat each other so poorly sometimes and after a while it does some damage to people’s self-esteem.  If people treated people with more respect and were nicer less people would down on themselves.  People also fear … [Read more…]

Safe Space Radio “Social Cohesion”

Social cohesion by definition is the tendency of people to talk openly with one another and form trusted relationships.  Safe Space Radio to me seems like a place for people who have gone through a tough time and want a safe place to tell their story.  The two shows that I listened to both mentioned … [Read more…]

Essay 1 Topic Ideas

-Mental Health: People feel shame when they feel or say something that they think they shouldn’t.  This can lead to depression and low self-esteem.  Stories help these people heal and feel not so different (Hallward). Very talked about and lots of resources. -Text-to-self= Two friends, Talent show to raise awareness in my town -Text-to-text= Hallward … [Read more…]

Epstein TRIAC

Before medicine became revolutionized and there were break throughs for certain diseases and how to treat them, AIDS was an extremely controversial disease.  People were not positive about how the disease came about and often would shut out people who embodied the disease.  Cultures and geography also played a role in the spread and controversy … [Read more…]

Helen Epstein

After reading Helen Epstein’s “AIDS, Inc”, I discovered many different feelings and thoughts on the subject that I didn’t know I felt before.  AIDS and HIV testing and most things to do with sexually transmitted diseases are well known nowadays so I didn’t even realize how controversial it was in the past.  There were many … [Read more…]

Hallward’s Claim Relating to Me

Hallward’s claim resonates with me when she states,” …and it just pained me so much to see him, and I would just pray for him to die.”  This reminds me of when my grandmother was in the nursing home and was suffering from dementia.  I would go to see her, and she would just be … [Read more…]

Davis Speech

Angela Davis spoke at UNE in the 32nd Annual Martin Luther King Celebration.  Davis first spoke about how the NFL moved the Superbowl one year from Phoenix, Arizona to Pasadena because Arizona would not recognize Martin Luther King Day.  She also spoke about how in the 21st century we have begun to recognize women upbringing … [Read more…]

Davis Research

Angela Yvonne Davis was born January 26, 1944, in Birmingham, Alabama.  Both of her parents were college graduates and were school teachers.  Davis also has a brother, Ben Davis, who played for the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  Davis then grew up to be known as an American political activist, … [Read more…]