Preparation for Licensure and Transition to Professional Practice

When reflecting on my SMART goals, I used my performance profiles on the ATI assessments to keep track of topics that I may be weak in on each. I also wanted to stop the habit of switching my answers when my gut is telling me to stay with the first option. I have noticed that over time I have been switching my answers less and less. Sometimes I still switch my answers, but it is more of a rare occurrence now. I have also noticed that I switched my answers more often on ATI assessments than I do on in class exams. I also have been finding myself highlighting the important information in the questions which has been helping in selecting the correct answer. I have been switching my answers less and narrowing down the answer options which has been helping my test taking over time.

Using the content areas, I was weak in has showed me where I need to focus my attention and the remediations for the assessments has helped me strengthen those weaknesses. I also used SASC for the first time this year which I think helped with some content gaps I may have had. As the semester progressed, I found myself having more confidence in the answers I was selecting. I feel as though in the beginning of the semester I would never offer answers in class and on exams I would second guess my answers. Now I select answers with confidence, and I provide answers to the professor’s questions in class and at review sessions.

I have always found myself putting self-care and my personal life aside for my school assignments and to study. This semester I found myself finding more of a balance between schoolwork and my personal life. I have always been hard on myself regarding my schoolwork and sometimes I was too hard on myself but now I feel as though I am less hard on myself which allows me to spend more time doing things, I want to do such as working out and spending times with my friends. It is important to have a good work/life balance because this can help with burn out and in my opinion overall happiness. This is something I want to keep balanced when I start my career as a nurse because it is important. Overall, this change I have made has made a big impact on my happiness and personal life.

I will use all of the things I have learned this semester to prepare for licensure and in my transition to practice by providing my patients with the best patient care possible. I will also trust my gut instincts because they seem to always be right. I will also manage my work/life balance because this will help avoid burn out and allow time for me to take care of myself outside of working. I also have developed critical thinking skills that I will use when caring for my patients and this will definitely enhance the care I provide. I think all of the things I have learned and the skills I have gained throughout my college experience are going to help guide me in my success as a nurse.

One Comment

  1. elizabethmann

    Thank you so much, Alexis, for your thoughtful reflection on how all of the work you’ve put in, the strategies you’ve employed, and the balance you’ve tried to strike between work and play have contributed to your success this semester. These are wonderful lessons learned to apply to your new career as a nurse!

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