Prepare for Transition

The time is coming where I am looking forward to graduation and entering my career as a registered nurse. During this time there are many different feelings that arise such as excitement and joy but also those of fear and anxiety. I am most excited about the new knowledge I will gain by having the opportunity to work with many patients and along side other nurses and healthcare professionals. I know that throughout my journey I will accomplish many of my goals and I plan to celebrate achieving them by rewarding myself with activities or items that I like but do not get to do or buy often. I also plan to celebrate my victories and achievements with those around me. I believe the looking forward to victories and achievements are part of the reason I feel excitement and joy when thinking about the future. The fear and anxiety come from the unknowns of the whole situation such as not knowing where I will work and who I will be working with. I also know that I am prepared for this transition however I can’t help but feel as though I am not due to it being a new transition.

            When I plan my weeks, I write down all the assignment, studying, activities, and work that I have for that week and the days and times they are in a planner. I block out time for each depending on how long I think they will take with time for breaks in between. I write down what times/days I want them done by and try my best to stick to the schedule. When I complete an activity or assignment that is in the planner, I highlight it in pink because it provides me with a sense of accomplishment. I find that all of these help me stay on track with my studying and goals.

            When completing the Nurse Logic 2.0 modules I learned about bacterial epiglottitis and the signs and symptoms of it. I also learned more about priority setting when it comes to patient care and what to delegate to an AP when appropriate. During the modules I learned about fetal heart rate and contractions when taking the test afterwards. Overall, the modules allowed me to learn new things but also to solidify learning and knowledge I already had.

One Comment

  1. elizabethmann

    This is such a strange time – full of excitement, but also anxiety about the unknown. I hope you believe that by the time that transition is upon you, that you WILL be ready! Like you, I live and breathe my planner; I’ve never been without one since middle school! Kudos to you for staying organized & on top of things.

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