Presenting Change

When researching this topic my group and I had a hard time finding research that was within the last few years. However, from the research we did find we found that taking ambulatory and non-ambulatory patient status into account when assigning patients to nurses can help aid in decreasing call bell wait times. When talking to other people regarding this research they also did not think of that and did not know that it could help decrease call bell wait times. We provided the floor with infographics to hang up on the unit/break room. However, we did not receive any feedback on our survey regarding our topic and poster. This project helped me learn how to work with other team members to determine an area for improvement on a unit. It also helped me use that topic area to review previous research and combine findings that can be used to improve the topic area.

 I can take what I learned from this team project and use it to perform a dissemination project in the future. When I become a nurse in the future, and I am working on a unit I could find an area for improvement on the unit. I could also work with some of my coworkers on this and together we could review previous research and determine ways to improve the topic chosen. Then we could come up with a presentation of the information and present it to the other staff and managers on the unit and get their feedback. After doing all of this for this class I am better prepared and more confident in doing this again in the future. In the future, I hope to use the skills I have learned to better assist me in leading a quality-improvement project/initiative wherever I end up working.

When working on this project with my other team members, I was leading most of the discussions and assisting others with the development of the project and keeping us on track for due dates. From working on this project with other members I have learned that I am able to lead others in the right direction and assist them when they are not positive about what to do. I now have the skill set and knowledge regarding how to analyze research on quality improvement initiatives and then create a basis for one of my own projects. I know that now that I have gone through this process once I could certainly do it again and it would most likely turn out better due to practice.

 At the beginning of the project process, my team and I were struggling to find a topic that wouldn’t cause too much controversy. We ended up choosing the call bell wait times regardless of the possibly controversy because it is important and could not be overlooked. Toward the beginning of the process, we were not sure how to formulate the rough draft and the templates that we had to do but with the help of our professor we found our way. Working with my team allowed me to realize that I can be a leader in a group setting and guide others in the right direction as well. This project also helped me develop skills in analyzing other’s research and pulling important data to create a project of my own to represent a quality improvement initiative. Overall, this project provided me with a new skill set and taught me how to work with other team members to create a quality improvement project.

Final Dissemination Project Link:\