Telemedicine & Telehealth

My initial thought of Telehealth and Telemedicine was that it could be helpful especially during Covid-19 due to wanting to decrease the amount of contact with patients. However, I was hesitant about it because I felt as though the care provided through Telehealth/Telemedicine couldn’t possibly be as good as the in person care you could provide. I was aware that there was a difference between Telemedicine and Telehealth, but I never knew what the difference was. I now know that telehealth is broader than telemedicine and can be non-clinical services however they are similar. I was not sure that telehealth and telemedicine would be something I would choose but after learning more about it today it changed my perspective and I now believe it is a good service to have.

            Telehealth and telemedicine have progressed over the years and is becoming more popular especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As technology has progressed so have the resources for telehealth and telemedicine. One of the first uses of telemedicine was around the late 1950’s and it was a two-way television set up. This allowed for clinicians to perform video consultations through the television. Fast forward to the present and now we have monitors that can be rolled into a patient’s room and a doctor can be at home on their tablet and can connect to the monitor and see the patient and the patient can also see them. This allows for the provider to be anywhere even if they are several miles away and provide care for the patient. This cuts out travel time and any barriers to the provider providing care for the patient in a timely manner. During the Covid-19 pandemic this allowed healthcare professionals to care for patient’s and provide education and consultations without having to come into contact with each other. This was convenient because then you did not have to worry about potentially spreading the virus to one another. There are now robots being made that can provide care for patients such as lifting them. Telehealth and telemedicine have not only become more popular throughout the years but also have progressed largely.

            I will use the information I learned about telehealth and telemedicine to provide care for my patients by using them to my advantage when suitable. If a patient is not feeling well or needs education and cannot come into the office, then we could explore telehealth as an option. If one of my patients needs a provider but the provider is not close by or in the healthcare facility, I can always suggest telemedicine or telehealth depending on the needs of the patient. Knowing your resources as a nurse is especially important because it helps you navigate through different options to provide care for your patients. Overall, telehealth and telemedicine have come a long way throughout the years and help provide care for patients in many different circumstances.

One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Mann

    Thank you so much, Alexis, for being so thoughtful in reflecting on your prior knowledge about telehealth/telemedicine, what you’ve learned, and how your perspective on them has changed. You make an incredibly important point, that nurses must know what resources they have at their disposal, and then utilizing those resources when appropriate for the benefit of the patient. It’s an exciting time in health care, and I don’t expect that to change any time soon!

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