Human Trafficking

Human trafficking has always been one of those subjects I didn’t know too much about but knew it would happen. I would hear about it on the news and think how scary that is that it can happen to anybody, and most people probably don’t think it would happen to them. I have always been scared when I think about it because it makes me wonder what I would do if that happened to me. I feel like a lot of people don’t think that it is happening around them, but I think it is we just don’t realize it. I have seen it happen in TV shows and wondered why people stay in that situation but after the discussion today I can see why they would feel like they want/need to stay. After the discussion today I now know so much more about human trafficking, and I know there is still so much more to learn. I originally thought it happened to people due to specific characteristics about them but now I feel as though it doesn’t necessarily happen to people based on specific qualities they have in common.

            I would love to know more about the process of helping someone who has been human trafficked. We learned about how to ask them questions however we didn’t go into detail about what you do once they answer those questions and if they want help what to do from there. I also would like to learn more about hotspots and what about certain areas make them a hotspot. I know today it was stated that vulnerable areas are usually hotspots, but I was wondering what else could make an area a hotspot as well. I never thought about human trafficking unless I saw it in the news or on a TV show but after today, I think I will become more aware of it and try and catch some signs of it because it is important especially as a healthcare provider. Today’s lecture was eye opening, and I think it has definitely made me realize that things like human trafficking can be happening around us, but many people do not even realize it. I will use what I learned today in the clinical setting as a nurse by recognizing signs of human trafficking if they appear while assessing or talking with a patient. I also learned today some techniques and questions to use with a patient that is expected to be experiencing human trafficking. If I encountered a patient that was being human trafficked, I now can use the questions and techniques I learned today to speak with them and to help them. Overall, I think today’s guest speaker was amazing and it was eye opening and informative, and I will definitely implement what I learned today as a nurse if I am ever put in that type of situation.

One Comment

  1. Susan Goran

    Excellent reflection; sounds like you now have a foundation of knowledge and can use that to build on for the future.

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