Pre HELP Assignment

The knowledge I have right now about delirium is that it is often confused with dementia however they are not the same. Dementia is not reversible and is a progressive disease and delirium is reversible despite their similar symptoms. Delirium can cause confused thinking and reduced awareness of surroundings due to the disturbance in the patient’s mental abilities. There are many ways to prevent delirium in patients such as doing puzzles with them and coloring with them. Activities that keep the patient’s mind and body active and keeping the patient hydrated and well nourished is also important in preventing delirium.

            I have not cared for a patient with delirium yet in my clinical experience. If I were to care for a patient with delirium, I would expect to see the patient become restless/agitated, they would have slow movements, their sleep habits would be altered, and they may report seeing things that nobody else sees (hallucinations). The patient may also be quiet and withdrawn if they are experiencing delirium which it is important to look out for all these symptoms.

            I hope to learn how to detect delirium in patients through this volunteer experience by getting to observe and interact with patients and seeing patients that are experiencing delirium. I also hope to become more comfortable interacting with patients that are experiencing delirium or become more comfortable interacting with patients who do not have delirium that I’m just trying to help prevent delirium in. This experience will be different than clinicals because I will just be a volunteer and will not be performing any nursing care therefore, the interactions I have with the patients will be different. I’m slightly nervous about this experience all together because I want to be helpful to the patients and not feel like I’m in the way or bothering them. I’m ready to help impact the patient in a positive way that will benefit them. I feel prepared for this experience, and I am excited to get to volunteer through the HELP program. I’m not too familiar with any other support for the aging population through the hospital or community. I know some places back where I live in Massachusetts have programs throughout the week where the older population can go to interact with one another and play games together to become more active and engaged with people.

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