Final Reflection

This team project has taught me that when working as a team it is important to communicate fully about all aspects of the project. If not all team members were on the same page, then the work being done was not progressing the way it should be. I will take this what I learned and apply it to my collaboration with the members of my health care team when caring for a patient. It is important to work as a team and progress together with the patient because it allows for everyone to be on the same page to better care for the patient. I would want my audience to know that through working on this project with my team members I have gained insight on working with others to do research and find reputable articles and data to support the ways we practice and support why we carry them out in the manner we do. It has also provided me with the knowledge to go through the process of forming a research paper with other team members and has taught me skills in problem-solving and organizing everyone’s thoughts and research not just my own.

            My team had a rough start at the beginning of this project because our original research question did not have sufficient data to back up the topic. After trying to make it work, we decided to start over and ended up with the research question that we did our project on. This set back was discouraging at first because we felt as though we took a step back, but I think we did a good job at catching up to where we needed to be. During this project I discovered that I am an organized team member but that I also have trouble letting other’s take control sometimes because I am used to doing my assignments and work by myself. I am grateful that this project has allowed me to recognize this about myself and change my ways of trying to do everything myself because in the field we work as a healthcare team not just as an individual person. Overall, this project taught me a lot about evidenced-based practice and about how to effectively collaborate with other team members to accomplish the final product.