Assumptions of Ethical Considerations for EBP

A nurse’s role in ethics regarding evidence implementation and generation has various aspects. The nurse has an obligation to protect the patient at all times and this includes when we are implementing evidence-based care. Every patient is different and what works for one may not always work for the next and it is our job to protect the patient as best as we can. The nurse’s also help aid in the generation by performing research and collecting data on evidenced-based practices. Ultimately the nurse implements the interventions that are researched which in some cases can cause an ethical dilemma to rise within the nurse. Research and evidence-based practices are what we use to guide our actions however sometimes and, in some cases, they may not be what the nurse feels is ethically the correct action. Nurses are also involved in the ethical conduct of research because many nurses are involved in research, and they must ensure that the research being conducted is ethically acceptable. For example, some research is done on humans, and they have to make sure the research being conducted is being done so ethically and that the risks are not extreme to the subject. The nurse has an obligation to protect the human subjects and make informed decisions regarding the research. The data being collected also must be done truthfully and the nurse is responsible for ensuring the results and research is unbiased. Overall, the nurse plays an important role in ethics regarding evidence implementation and generation.