Appraisal and synthesis

Through evidence and appraisal synthesis I discovered that the varicella vaccine related to the incidence rate of contracting it was not as simple as I thought. The resources and research we have now is incredible compared to when our parents were children, and the vaccine was not as available as it is now, and the incident rate has decreased over the years due to the availability of the vaccine which stems from all the research that took place. One of the articles I was reading did not just compare vaccination status and incident rate but compared one dose versus two doses and what era the person was born into account for vaccine availability which I would have never thought about. The research concluded that vaccinated individuals had a lower incident rate of contracting the virus. I assumed that vaccination would contribute to a lower incident rate of contracting the virus because that is usually why vaccines are administered however my findings did open my eyes to realizing that just like most vaccines that at first the varicella vaccine was not readily available for everyone and that it should be considered when looking at incident rate during a specific era.

            My findings will impact my future nursing practice because I will consider that not every patient has access to every vaccine and can help me gather information to help them receive a vaccine if they do want one. My findings also showed me how important research is in producing vaccines and in determining the efficacy while considering all the outside factors that play a role. Overall, the evidence I found helped prove what I thought about varicella vaccination status related to incident rate of contracting the virus however it did bring a lot of different factors to take into consideration to light as well.  My team members and I did come to the same consensus without disagreement, and we talked through our findings and what we had originally thought about the topic prior to the appraisal and synthesis.

One Comment

  1. debrakramlich

    It looks like this was a valuable topic for your team and you learned more than you anticipated.

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