Stigma and Mental Health

            In my opinion there is a lot of stigma associated with mental illness because in the past it wasn’t as prevalent as it is now due to being overlooked due to lack of knowledge about it.  Many people especially older generations get stuck in their ways and think since it wasn’t as common before there is no way it is as prevalent as it is now.  I believe some people view people with a mental illness differently but in a negative light and sometimes make the person feel as though they are less due to their mental illness.  Some may even think that since someone has a mental illness, they cannot perform tasks or take on certain jobs and discriminate against them which can lead to self-stigma.  When people view you as different and isolate you which many seem to do to people who have a mental illness it makes you believe your mental illness is a negative thing and I feel as though that creates self-stigma.

            Some cultures and religions view health as just your physical body and not your overall health including mental health.  Some religions also do not believe in medical treatment such as medications which can cause many people with a mental illness to not take any medications that can help them, or they may not even see a medical professional in the first place.  Religion/spirituality can determine how someone views their mental illness and how they think it can/should be treated.  However, studies do show religion/spirituality can help reduce anxiety and depression.  Spirituality and religion can help support a person with a mental illness through life and through the process of treatment if that’s what they choose.