NL Module Reflections 1 & 2

In module 1 (Testing and Remediation Strategies), I learned about learning strategies and how to manage my time and avoid procrastination in order to be more successful.  The module also discusses developing a format to take notes and to add extra emphasis from lecture into your notes and to listen while taking notes which is especially hard for me because I find myself too focused on writing sometimes and tune out the audio in the room. The module also provides where and when to study which is extremely helpful and will definitely guide my studying throughout the semester.  Stress anxiety was a topic in the module and this topic applied to me and I found it helpful, and I believe it will help me with my test taking and even with general anxiety around working as a nurse.  All these tools learned through the module will help me in the future and will be integrated into my profession as a nurse during patient care.


In module 2 (Nursing Concepts), QSEN is a topic which we are familiar with, and this helps us in the process of promoting and integrating safe practices in patient-centered care.  I learned that structures, processes, and environment are important aspects of patient safety.  This knowledge will help guide my actions when preforming patient care.  The module also differentiates topics related to beginning nurses and advanced nurses which is super helpful because it presents a baseline of where I should start but also where I should end up.  Priority-setting is also an important topic I learned about in this module, and I learned to use my knowledge of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and ABC acronym in my decision making on what is a priority.  This will help me in my future career because as a nurse I will need to make decisions based off of which is a priority which can sometimes be difficult to determine what patient/activity should be priority.  Overall, these modules were helpful, and I learned knew skills to assist me in becoming successful as a nurse.

One Comment

  1. Susan Goran

    I am glad you found the modules helpful, even if to reinforce current knowledge. Good job.

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