Collaboration in Nursing (A)


I chose this image to represent the value of collaboration because it shows different healthcare professionals conversing with a patient.  In nursing collaboration between not only nurses but other healthcare professionals is important for patient care.  Collaboration among healthcare professionals helps you provide the best possible care for the patient especially because different areas of expertise will have different outlooks on the patients care and what the patient may need.  As you can see in this picture the nurse and doctor are both looking at what could possibly be labs of some sort and are conversing about it and going over them with the patient.  Communicating with one another is important because you should all be on the same page when communicating your findings to the patient.  Also, when developing a plan of care collaboration with one another is important because there may be actions you didn’t think of or things you missed that may be helpful in producing the patient care plan.  Overall, collaboration is important to provide the best quality patient care and to me this picture shows the collaboration between not only the healthcare professionals but also between the healthcare professionals and the patient.


  1. Susan Goran

    Very nice insights and a great photo. Don’t forget to cite it as I don’t believe this is your original photograph. Thanks for sharing.

  2. djewell

    Lexi, the picture you chose very clearly demonstrates the importance of collaboration within health care. Within your description you described each part of the cohesive unit as they communicate with each other. I think another aspect you mentioned that is very important is that the patient is there with the professionals. You could have chosen a picture with just the medical professionals, but I think this speaks true to the patient centered care each of these people have to offer, particularly in our field of nursing. Communicating with the patient is such a large role of this profession. One line that really stuck out to me was “Collaboration among healthcare professionals helps you provide the best possible care for the patient especially because different areas of expertise will have different outlooks on the patients care and what the patient may need.” I think this is important because each and every role identifies something the patient needs and within communication and collaboration, each health care role would only focus on the needs they immediately see and the patients health would lack because of it. It’s important to see the whole picture of a patients wants and needs across professions.

    • djewell

      This is different from the picture I chose as I had an abstract way of going about the assignment. Furthermore, the piece about the patient centered care made me think differently above collaboration. I see your perspective and see that it clearly identifies collaboration as seen in my above comment. ^

    • afaria2

      Dani, I totally agree that it’s important to see the whole picture of the patient because they are way more than just one thing you pick out or see that may be a problem. Communicating with other areas of the profession definietly helps you see how all the little puzzle pieces fit together to create the whole patient. Thank you for your positive comment!

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