Question for Essay 2

Why is climate change such an upcoming problem? And why has it not been fixed/dealt with?

Climate change is such an upcoming problem because we are polluting the earth tremendously with excess carbon emissions and fossil fuels.  Climate change has not been fixed because many people do not want to against what has been normal and make a change.  Bill McKibben agrees with this when he says, “There’s really not that many people whose greatest desire is to go out and fight the system” (1).  McKibben has a great point because nowadays people hate going against the system and wait for others to do something before they do.  Some people will not change their belief on this topic until someone tries to change what is normal.  Kathleen Moore brings this to light when he states, “Because humans are stubborn, we hold on to repudiated beliefs for a couple of generations, but eventually we try something new” (5).  I agree with this especially in regard to the older generations because they do not see climate change as a problem because they won’t be here when it becomes a problem that can’t be reversed.  Climate change is going to become more and more of a problem the longer we wait and it could possibly lead to the end of everyone living on this earth.


  1. Ry

    Lexi I think this is a very interesting question! Are you going to offer possible solutions to climate change in your essay? Or explanations as to why society waits for someone else to fight the system first? Either way I find this question super interesting and I think it will make for a great essay!

  2. Meg Cookson

    Hey Lexi! I think you make a great argument about why we haven’t done anything major to fix climate change. I totally agree with what you said about the older generation. I think you should include Moore and how she talked about the older generations having the time and money to make a big change for the planet. It looks like you have lots of ideas and quotes you want to include! You could incooperate Duhigg and the self propelling habits very easily when you talk about the stuborness of humans and their desire to keep the status quo.

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