Moore Reading

Moore discusses good points about climate change and how we can go about fixing what we are starting to destroy.  Moore brings up the point that if we don’t act now we will be ruining the future for our children and grandchildren.  I couldn’t agree with Moore more on this because we are destroying nature and polluting the earth way beyond what it can sustain.  Moore states, “Because humans are stubborn, we hold on to repudiated beliefs for a couple generations, but eventually we try something new” (4).  Moore is communicating that people in this world are so stubborn that they fail to change their beliefs and see the real problem we are having until another generation tries something new.  People nowadays in my opinion are opposed to change and that is why they have a hard time changing their ways.

Moore brings up the idea of how our love for our children and future generations can lead to us making change for them.  The opposing argument for this situation is that not everybody has kids and some people are selfish and simply do not think it will affect them in their lifetime, so they do not do anything to help.  I believe that love could be strong enough to get people to start changing their ways but, maybe not enough for how much change we need.