Best Social Formula With NAYSAYER

I agree with Duhigg that the best formula for social change when it comes to climate change is to have people with power such as politicians or the president start the change.  People who have power over others in a community are more influential and others look up to them more than a random stranger who nobody knows very well.  Celebrities get a lot of publicity that they use for unimportant things but if they used it for good like climate change it could create a domino effect of others joining in on it.  I also believe that besides a strong leader you also need people who genuinely care about climate change and how it is affecting the earth.  Telling stories about how climate change is affecting the animals and people that are living on this earth can also help others relate and feel empathy and want to start making a change.



I agree with Duhigg that a strong leader with ties is the best formulas for social change involving climate change.  But I also agree with many others that this strong leadership and ties may not be enough.  Others may agree that the best formula for social change involving climate change is to tell stories about it or that the drive towards it is our love for our future children and grandchildren.  These are all valid formulas, but some people are selfish and others do not have children or grandchildren to care about.  Of course, many will probably disagree on the grounds that climate change is an issue.  The truth is that it is an issue and is becoming an even bigger one.  If we do not find the correct formula now, then future generations may not exist on this earth.