McKibben “Do The Math”

Bill McKibben talks about how fossil fuels are destroying the Earth and what we as a community need to do to save it.  I agree with McKibben about most of the topics and problems he brought up in his “Do The Math”.  McKibben realizes that to start this change he is going to have to go against who he is most comfortable being (1).  I also agree with McKibben when he states, “This is really the fight of our time.”  I agree because the pollution is going to affect our time and the ones that come after us.  Our kids and grandchildren in the future could be affected if we don’t do something about it.  McKibben mentions that when you litter you get a fine and when you pay that fine that is $25 you are paying $25 more than all the industrial polluters have ever paid even.  They are dumping carbon into the earth and are destroying it but don’t pay for it.  This to me is outrageous and a flaw that we have today that needs to be fixed (5).  I agree that we are paying them to basically keep polluting and destroying the earth.

We have all of the green resources to fix this problem, but fossil fuels are cheap so are continued to be used.  To me that is saying that you are saving money at the cost of our planet which will not turn out well in the long run because then there will be nobody or an earth to have the money.  Also, McKibben is a good example for the type of leader that Duhigg was talking about in his writing.  This problem on fossil fuels is starting to become something that involves peer-pressure.  The earth is basically pressuring us to stop polluting it before it is too late to reverse the effects of what we have done to destroy it.  It is going to take a lot of the weak ties that Duhigg had mentioned to start to fix this.  In my opinion, our generation could be the generation to change this and start movements toward getting away from using fossil fuels.  We are going to be the ones who start to become affected by this and we have the resources to fix it.  I agree with McKibben that we can win this fight (14).