“Voice Markers”


Duhigg uses “voice markers” in his writing and they distinguish the different perspectives throughout his essay.  Duhigg refers to the relationship we have with close friends as “strong ties”.  I agree that the relationships you have with close friends are considered “strong ties” because they know you better and are closer so they should have a stronger tie to you than acquaintances.  I agree with Duhigg’s statement “Such peer pressure, on its own, isn’t enough to sustain a movement.”  I agree with this because the peer pressure provided isn’t enough for more than a few people to do something about the problem.  To sustain a movement you need more people than what the peer pressure provided.  When Duhigg mentions having more “weak ties” is more beneficial than having a “strong tie” I did not agree because I thought people who were closer to you would be more willing to help.  As Duhigg explained further my opinion changed and I now agree that having more “weak ties” is more beneficial.