Duhigg Analysis

Duhigg talks about how peer pressure can cause people to do things that have a positive impact on the lives of others.  For example, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King had a positive impact on people’s lives and it was through peer pressure.  Rosa Parks was arrested and a friend is who helped get her bail and it was a sense of obligation that made him do so.  I liked the quote, “On a playground, peer pressure is dangerous.  In adult life, it’s how business gets done and communities self-organize.”.   I enjoy this quote because kit is weird to think that something seen to be so negative at a young age can become positive when you reach an older age.  Duhigg also brings up how social habits have such an influence at the roots of many movements.  Social patterns are also mentioned throughout Duhigg’s writing.  The social habit that helped Rosa Parks was the habit of friendship.  A friend helped her with her case and to get her out on bail.  Being very involved in different things also helped Parks because she was well-known from doing so many things and helping out others.  I liked the comparison of weak ties versus strong ties because I never thought of them that way and I didn’t think that weak ties could be better than strong ties.  It was crazy to me that words affect people so much like the threats in Mississippi that caused people to not attend the “Summer Project”.  Overall the points throughout the writing was very interesting and I think important to realize.