Barclay’s Formula

For a movement to be strong you need a strong leader and a variety of people from the community to support it.  The relationship the leader has with the people can determine how they support the movement.  For example, Charles Duhigg mentioned, “The power of weak ties helps explain how a protest can expand from … [Read more…]

McKibben “Do The Math”

Bill McKibben talks about how fossil fuels are destroying the Earth and what we as a community need to do to save it.  I agree with McKibben about most of the topics and problems he brought up in his “Do The Math”.  McKibben realizes that to start this change he is going to have to … [Read more…]

“Voice Markers”

  Duhigg uses “voice markers” in his writing and they distinguish the different perspectives throughout his essay.  Duhigg refers to the relationship we have with close friends as “strong ties”.  I agree that the relationships you have with close friends are considered “strong ties” because they know you better and are closer so they should … [Read more…]

Duhigg Analysis

Duhigg talks about how peer pressure can cause people to do things that have a positive impact on the lives of others.  For example, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King had a positive impact on people’s lives and it was through peer pressure.  Rosa Parks was arrested and a friend is who helped get her … [Read more…]