Martha Hall’s Book Experience

My experience with Martha Hall’s book was a very eye-opening and enjoyable experience.  Her books spoke louder than just the words that were written down.  One of her books brought up how impersonal some doctors can be and how it can make the patients feel worse.  One of her books also brought up how the doctor told her that she was fine because her scan was clear but she was not actually fine.  Her telling these stories can bring light upon this issue with healthcare professionals and could possibly cause some of them to change their ways and maybe take a deeper look or even become more personal with a patient.  Also, Martha telling her story can help people connect through her writing.  It is possible people have felt the same way she has and this can help them not feel as alone or even just offer support.  Reading her books made me realize how hard some people have it and reminded me that life is not always fair.  It was heart breaking to hear how her cancer progressed and how she died at 54 years old.  Her books were all different and creative and that is what I enjoyed most about them.  My favorite one was probably the one made from the appointment cards.  Not many people would think to keep their appointment cards to make a book from them.  Overall looking through Hall’s books was a good experience and I think it was worth everyone’s time.