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  • Question

Is how the way people treat one another a main cause for mental illness?

  • Answers

Yes, because people treat each other so poorly sometimes and after a while it does some damage to people’s self-esteem.  If people treated people with more respect and were nicer less people would down on themselves.  People also fear being bullied now a days and try to change themselves to fit what people think they should be instead of how they really are.  The truth is you never know what a person is going through so you should never judge them and should always be kind.  This leads to the question: Do social stigmas affect our mental health?  They do affect our mental health because we try to be what society says we should so that we aren’t “different”.

  • Position

If people told their stories and were more open then maybe people wouldn’t feel “different” because other people would have a similar story to theirs.  Also, if people were nicer to one another and treated them with respect then not as many people would look down on themselves and feel bad about how they look or feel.  In my opinion people are so harsh on each other and pick out the bad in one another more than the good so then people see more bad in themselves than good.  These feelings can then cause people to become depressed and many other things.  Social stigmas also can make people feel like they have to live a certain way and think a certain way and then they aren’t being themselves.  I feel as though social stigmas make people feel out of place and different than others when in reality at the root of everything we are all the same in some way.  Social cohesion could make these people feel less alone and hear that other people have similar stories and they will feel less shame about it all.  To me telling your story can help you heal and the people around you heal and feel less shame and can only benefit everyone.

  • Thesis

Anne Hallward’s Ted Talk creates a start for people to tell their stories and can open up people’s minds to social cohesion and to treating each other better.