Notes for Narrative

Christmas Eve Woke up happy to open presents Read bad text Texted friends Sadness rained over me Felt guilt for not knowing Cookies Tree with presents that I wanted but didn’t feel like opening them Disbelief Tears everywhere from everyone Nothing felt real Line wrapped around building at wake All my friends hugging each other … [Read more…]

LGBTQ Podcast

Audio plays a role in how a story is told in the way that the changes of voices helps the listener make connections that different people are talking.  Which then means many people are going through the same thing.  Also, the change in tones and voices keeps the listeners attention and the tone sets the … [Read more…]

Martha Hall’s Book Experience

My experience with Martha Hall’s book was a very eye-opening and enjoyable experience.  Her books spoke louder than just the words that were written down.  One of her books brought up how impersonal some doctors can be and how it can make the patients feel worse.  One of her books also brought up how the … [Read more…]

Searching for Thesis

Question Is how the way people treat one another a main cause for mental illness? Answers Yes, because people treat each other so poorly sometimes and after a while it does some damage to people’s self-esteem.  If people treated people with more respect and were nicer less people would down on themselves.  People also fear … [Read more…]