Safe Space Radio “Social Cohesion”

Social cohesion by definition is the tendency of people to talk openly with one another and form trusted relationships.  Safe Space Radio to me seems like a place for people who have gone through a tough time and want a safe place to tell their story.  The two shows that I listened to both mentioned how it helps them heal knowing they aren’t alone.  They both also told personal stories to them and one mentioned how she liked how they could come to each other free of guilt or fear.  After listening to two different shows I would agree with the first part of the definition, when it states that it’s “the tendency of people to talk openly with one another”, because that is what they were both doing on Safe Space Radio.  The second part of the definition when it states “…and form trusted relationships,” I would use that loosely because they are not meeting each other and sharing stories face to face.  Also telling your story to people doesn’t always form a trusted relationship.  In the show, “Stigma & Teen Pregnancy with Meredith Hall,” Meredith spoke about how she was pregnant at 16 years-old and how she was expelled from high school and kicked out of her mom’s house.  She also mentioned how she brought shame to her family.  I connected this with Hallward’s Ted Talk when she mentioned shame and how shame causes people to not speak up.  Overall, I think that social cohesion could be used in describing Safe Space Radio but I would use the term loosely.